Why Choose Emyhost

24 X 7 Support

Our support team is working 365 days a year including weekend and public holiday to serve our customer better. All team members are our real staffs and working in our office without engage any outsourcing company.

100% Satisfaction

Our vision is always archive 100% customer satisfaction. We always care and listen every single feedback from our customer and improve our skill and solutions from time to time.

Over 11 years web hosting experience

We do have more than 11 years experience on how to provide the ever best solutions for our client in hosting industry. All our packages, technologies are customise and optimise to suit everyone needs.

Massive investment in architecture

All our equipments including servers, switches and routers are branded. We do not use second hand or cron server, all our servers are supermicro, as we do believe your E-business is our job and your server stability is always our concerns.

Get your premium domain name here

Starting from as little as $10.90 per year!

11 years
20000 ++
25000 ++
Domains Hosted
32000 ++
Websites Hosted

Technology by Emyhost

We design and maintain our servers in-house and we use our custom software.

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